My tolerance is not my son’s tolerance, he will build his own boundaries.
My patience is not my son’s patience, he will find his own peace.
My anger is not my son’s anger, he will experience his own betrayal.
My fear is not my son’s fear, he will find his own demons.
My wants are not my son’s wants, he will discover his own satisfaction.
My stories are not my son’s stories, he will walk his own journey.
My grief is not my son’s grief, he will experience his own loss.
My joy is not my son’s joy, he will celebrate his own victories.
My shame is not my son’s shame, and if I’m not careful I can easily hand that down.
I will teach him, I will love him, I will guide him. His will and his choices will do the rest.
The post My Experience Is Not My Son’s appeared first on The Good Men Project.
Source: Greg Tapler
My Experience Is Not My Son’s

by Greg Tapler